Most Watched YouTube Video Clips/Videos 2007


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YouTube had a storming year in 2007. If you’ve landed here looking for the most popular YouTube videos of 2007, you’ve come to the right place.After doing a couple of searches over New Year I noticed YouTube had published a list of the most watched videos on their blog. The top ten makes interesting viewing, and had a couple of my favourite videos from 2007 on the list. The top ten was based on number of views and shares.

** All the videos can be seen in the embedded YouTube compilation below **

Here’s a run down of the top ten most watched & most popular YouTube videos from 2007:

  1. Battle at Kruger – a simply amazing piece of filming which captures a fight between a herd of water buffalo, a pack of lions and a crocodile. More details below.
  2. “Chocolate Rain” Original Song by Tay Zonday – Tay Zonday sings Chocolate rain. Self explanatory really!
  3. Chris Crocker; Leave Britney Alone! – Devout Britney fan Chris Crocker provides a passionate (and slightly scary) defence of Miss. Spears.
  4. Thriller in Prison ( – a large group of inmates dance to Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’. One of my 2007 favourite videos.
  5. Esmee Denters sings “What goes around, comes around” by JT – again self explanatory, but awesome singing.
  6. NORA: Practice Makes Purr-fect – a piano-playing cat grabs over 7.5 million views
  7. Obama Girl – “I got a crush…on Obama” – an avid fan promotes Barack Obama through the medium of song.
  8. Otters holding hands – the third animal based video to feature in the top ten.
  9. Paris in Jail – a spin on Paris Hilton’s single ‘Stars are Blind’. Very amusing!
  10. Spiders on Drugs – starts out serious, then gets very silly. Amusing all the same.

YouTube have also released the top 5 viral videos of 2007, and top spot goes Cadbury’s Gorilla advert, which I blogged about back in September 2007.

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