Ski Service Edinburgh

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It’s that time of the ski season again. Ski servicing time. Christmas has passed, and if you haven’t managed to hit the snow early, next on the holiday calendar is the ski holiday. You go the cupboard or garage, grab the bag containing your skis or snowboard, and get all excited. You examine the bottom of the skis, look at the nicks and gores taken out of the wax and reminisce about hitting those rocks on the slope. That excitement drops a little. They need repairing. Time to get them waxed, edged and serviced.

If you live in the Edinburgh area, where do you go to get your skis serviced or repaired? You’ve got a few options, but remember to leave yourself at least 2 weeks for the service!

  • Lothian Ski Services – based on Rodney Street, down the hill from Broughton Street. Blink and you’ll miss this little ski service shop. They also provide ski hire and ski sales. Full details – 50 Rodney St, Edinburgh, EH7 4DX > 0131 557 9072
  • Freeze Pro Shop – located at 107 Hanover Street in the centre of Edinburgh, the guys at Freeze offer a range of options from a simple wax and basic service, through to to binding mounts and re-mounts. Full details – 107 Hanover Street, Edinburgh, EH2 1DJ > 0131 260 9677
  • Tiso – the place I usually go to get my skis serviced in Edinburgh. Based in Leith, Tiso’s ski repair workshop is operated by their trading partner, Blues. Skis and snowboards can be patched, repaired, serviced and sharpened. Specialist tuning is also available. Costs range from £20 for a general service. Full details – 41 Commercial Street, Edinburgh, EH6 6JD, 0131 554 9101

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If you can’t make it to either of these Edinburgh locations, you can also drop your skis or snowboard into any Tiso store and they will be forwarded to the Blues workshop for servicing. For further information on the services offered contact Blues directly on 0131 225 8369.

You can also find ski and snowboard products such as wax, bindings and other accessories at, based at 14/17 Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh, EH10 4HN, or at

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