Competition: Win A Pair Of Customised Sungod Sunglasses


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I’ve been searching for my ideal pair of sunglasses for a LONG time. I have ones for skiing, I have a nice pair that I use for special occasions (and the rest of the time they sit in their case as I’m scared I’m going to scratch and/or break them), and I have a cheap pair that I can trash at festivals.

It took me a long time to find a pair that were robust. That didn’t scratch easily. A pair that were polarised. A pair that fit my head correctly. A pair that were good value for money and didn’t break the bank. A pair that I could take on my travels knowing they would do the job in all conditions. I finally found that pair last week – and they are created by the team at Sungod.

I was so over the moon with my new Sungod Renegades that I made a video about how over the moon I was. You can watch it here.

Sungod sunglasses competition - Simon's JamJar

Then, Sungod got in touch out of the blue and thanked me for the nice video. In fact they did more than thank me – they wanted to give me another customised pair of Sungod Classics.

As nice as that was, I’d already designed and bought my ideal pair. So instead, I suggested I run a competition, so one lucky winner can create their own pair of Sungod Classics. You can customise the front frame, the lenses and the arms – how cool is that?!

Shut up Simon, get on with the competition. I hear you, sorry. All you have to do is give me a follow on YouTube, and tweet about the competition using the wonderful little widget below.

Sungod Giveaway

Can’t see the widget thingy? Click here.

I will choose the winner at random on the 31st July 2016 – plenty of time to enjoy your Sungod sunglasses before the end of summer (not that you need sunglasses in the rain – damn you UK weather!).

Don’t want to wait until the competition has ended? You can grab your own pair of customised Sungod sunglasses here –

Good luck!


This competition is now closed. Congratulations to Shelly who wins the pair of SunGod Classics! Thanks to everyone that entered!

Win a pair of customised Sungod sunglasses - Simon's JamJar
2 replies
  1. Simon Heyes
    Simon Heyes says:

    Hi Ian, sorry you're having trouble. Would you mind logging into Facebook first, then heading to this page and trying to reenter? Hopefully that should work. Thanks!


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