Nothing like a spot of irony…

Having been a short-term dweller in the quirky USA, and part of an international house full of foreign students, I got continuously bombarded with weird and wonderful stories from my international house mates.But if ever a story has an ironic…

The all new WiFi Lamppost…

It has to be a flop. Moving internet users away from the comfort and warmth of a WiFi coffee shop? And getting them to stand next to a lamp post??What am I blathering on about? Well a company based in Scotland have designed 'smart lampposts'…

TV as thin as Paper? Don’t Talk Rubbish…

With soooooo many innovations being produced in the technology world, its difficult sometimes to imagine how we can go one better. But never underestimate to power of the human brain.It generally takes a lot for me to say;"Woah - now that's…

Born into the World of Blogging

Welcome me! It took me a while, but I now have my very own blog to shout about. I can talk about the wonders of eBay and Family Guy, and moan about high maintenance women. Above all else this blog is about me. So let me start by bringing…