A GDPR Guide For Bloggers
blogging, digital, travel bloggersThe new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) come into force starting 25th May 2018. The regulations are designed to be an update to the Data Protection Act laws from 1998, which - as you can imagine - are waaaaay out of date.
So are…

Why The Blog Has Been So Quiet Lately
blogging, digital, travel, travel bloggers
Hi guys, hope you're keeping well! Apologies for the silent treatment of late. Since July I've had to step away from blogging and social media a little, for various reasons.
I guess my recent unenthusiastic approach to blogging and social…

Panasonic Lumix GX80: 48 Hours With The New Camera
blogging, review, travel, travel bloggers, vlog
A couple of weeks ago I was invited by Panasonic to give their new Lumix GX80 compact camera a run for its money.
Along with a few fellow travel bloggers, we were given a little photography lesson by Jacob James, an incredible photographer…

Happy 10th Blog Birthday To Me!
blogging, travel, travel bloggersTen (yes, 10!) years ago today I set up my first blog, Simon's JamJar (now Adventure Bagging). Happy blog birthday to me! :D
On this very day back in 2006, the creative side of my brain was nulled from too much Christmas exuberance, and…

10 Things You’ve Always Wanted To Know About Papua New Guinea
Australasia, blogging, Papua New Guinea, travel, travel bloggersPapua New Guinea is one of the most unexplored countries in the world. But with increasing access, more travellers are starting to visit, and learn about its diverse culture and traditions.
My journey to Papua New Guinea begins in six weeks…

13 Spectacular Pictures Of Papua New Guinea
Australasia, blogging, featured, Papua New Guinea, travel, travel bloggersPapua New Guinea has a reputation for being one of the most culturally diverse, beautiful places in the world.
Located 160km from the very Northern tip of Queensland, Australia, Papua New Guinea is the adventure travellers paradise. From…

Blogstock 2014: The Recap
blogging, travelBlogstock 2014 was the world's first blogging festival, held in the green pastures of Elstree, Hertfordshire. Bloggers and leading names from travel, fashion and food descended on Hertfordshire at the beginning of August to meet, greet, network…

Hiking Over The O2 Arena In London
blogging, Hiking, london, travel, UK
Following my 'Best Male' blogger award win in April (still can't believe it!), the next step was to claim my prize - a hike over the O2 Arena in London for me and three friends.
After finally sorting a date, two good friends, my better…

Simon’s Jam Jar Wins ‘Best Male’ At The Blogger Awards 2014
blogging, travelEarlier in March I was looking through Twitter on my phone when I came across the blogger awards, run by lowcostholidays. I looked through the categories and saw some familiar faces, and some great blogs.
I eventually scrolled down to the…

Zeus Server – WordPress Remove index.php In Permalinks And Image Rendering Problems
blogging, digitalGeek post.Wordpress is great. It now powers around 19% of the web. It's simple to use, intuitive, has fantastic theme templates and plugins, and will continue to thrive. But what happens when your web host uses a different server than Apache?…