Family Camping Checklist - Adventure Bagging
Wild Camping kit explosion in the Lake District

The Ultimate Wild Camping Kit List

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On the hunt for a wild camping checklist? You've come to the right place :). This post was written a few years ago after a wild camp in the Lake District, and most recently updated in 2023. Hope it helps your wild camping planning! Over the…
Berggasthaus Bollenwees Swiss Alps - Alpstein

Introducing Appenzell – Unrivalled Scenery In The Swiss Alps

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There are - truly - a few places I've visited where I've REALLY wanted to come back and shout about my experience and share it with you all. But there are very few that, despite wanting to tell you all about it, I also want to keep it a secret. Hiking…
Best Beer Bars In Bruges - Blonde Zot - Adventure BaggingAdventure Bagging

12 Of The Best Beer Bars In Bruges

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When you think of Bruges, you should think chocolate, frites and mayonnaise, and you should think beer. Strong beer. Belgium is renowned globally for its blonde / strong / strawberry / craft beer, so when I had the chance to visit Bruges…
Simon Heyes - skiing on the Zugspitze, Germany

How To Go Skiing On A Budget

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In one of my last ski blog posts I said that if you go skiing for a week, it will cost you around £1000. I still stand by that statement...if you plan on skiing for a full week. BUT...if you do some research into travel options, sales and…
Borrowdale Valley in April - Lake DistrictAdventure Bagging

9 Lake District Mountain Walks For Beginners

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I was one year old the first time I set foot in the Lake District National Park. I grew up in Preston, a mere one hour drive from the Southern lakes, and was taken to the Lakes at least once a year throughout my childhood. It is a special…
Castle Combe - the best looking village in the Cotswolds?

18 Of The Prettiest Villages In The Cotswolds

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I know, I know. I'm a guy and I used the word 'prettiest', but if you've been to the Cotswolds, there's only so many times you can use the word striking, or stunning, or awesome, or amazing. I've always known Cotswold villages were a picturesque…
A boy canoeing in the ocean - Papua New Guinea

13 Spectacular Pictures Of Papua New Guinea

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Papua New Guinea has a reputation for being one of the most culturally diverse, beautiful places in the world. Located 160km from the very Northern tip of Queensland, Australia, Papua New Guinea is the adventure travellers paradise. From…