St. Patrick’s Day – Its Guinness time!
UncategorisedSt. Patrick's Day - one of my favourite days of the year. Not that any of us need an excuse to drink copious amouts of the black stuff, but three of four pints of Guinness does not go amiss on St. Patrick's Day!So let the preparations begin!…
Listen to Music Online with Pandora!
UncategorisedNow this is an impressive music site. For those who get bored trying to fiddle around with online music from Yahoo! or NME then you'll be pleased to know that this site is a breath of fresh air. is marketed as the 'Music Genome Project'…
Team Building by Paintball – It’s Absolute Bedlam!
UncategorisedPaintballing is now my new favorite past time. There is nothing more satisfying than hearing the yelp as you plant a perfect sniper shot on one of your colleagues backsides!Bedlam paintball was a great laugh, and something I'd certainly do again.…
Google lays down the law to BMW Germany
UncategorisedOh dear. The latest big name to fall under the knife of the irrepressible Google.Last week it was revealed that Google had removed the site from its algorithm because of 'unethical' techniques that are non-compliant with Google's website…
Good TV? Get Lost.
UncategorisedIn all honesty, I don't watch a lot of TV. Not because I don't want too, but it seems that when I'm free, there's always some drama on that doesn't interest. But over the last few months there has been one or two exceptions.LOST was a breath…
Wetherspoons to seduce commuters with coffee
UncategorisedThe world is going barmy. Relaxed licensing laws have meant that pub chains can now compete for the £200 million-a-year commuter coffee business. J.D Wetherspoon are going to start offering coffee at a promotional offer of 49p, rising to 69p…
Spartans reach Scottish Cup 4th Round
UncategorisedCongratulations to Spartans who made it through to the fourth round of the Scottish Cup this afternoon. Spartans beat Scottish Division 3 side Queen's Park 3-2 at their home ground at City Park, Edinburgh.
Nothing like a spot of irony…
UncategorisedHaving been a short-term dweller in the quirky USA, and part of an international house full of foreign students, I got continuously bombarded with weird and wonderful stories from my international house mates.But if ever a story has an ironic…
The all new WiFi Lamppost…
Uncategorised It has to be a flop. Moving internet users away from the comfort and warmth of a WiFi coffee shop? And getting them to stand next to a lamp post??What am I blathering on about? Well a company based in Scotland have designed 'smart lampposts'…
TV as thin as Paper? Don’t Talk Rubbish…
UncategorisedWith soooooo many innovations being produced in the technology world, its difficult sometimes to imagine how we can go one better. But never underestimate to power of the human brain.It generally takes a lot for me to say;"Woah - now that's…