Life Lessons From LOST

Re-cap of 2011!

2011 has been quite a year! If I thought 2010 was busy, 2011 kicked it well and truly into touch. Here's my 2011 year in review. In no particular order - the good, the bad, the skiing, the partying, the work, the travelling and the growing…
Skiing Tips and videos for beginners

4 Skiing Tips – Video Tutorials

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It's getting to that time of year again. Blow the dust of the skis, get them edged and waxed, throw them in the bag, and head to the slopes. Straight out of your hotel or chalet, you're more excited than a kid at Christmas. You do up your…
Life Lessons From LOST

Owned Media Is More Loaned Media

Anyone working in digital marketing or for an advertising agency will use the words Paid Media, Owned Media, and Earned Media. But is Owned Media really Owned Media?PEO Model - should Loaned Media be part of the mix?I was reading an old Forrester…
Life Lessons From LOST

7 Life Lessons From LOST

I've written a few previous posts about LOST on this blog, but with no real takeaways. The other posts were more a recommendation, an arm twist is you like. "If you're not watching LOST, you should be!!", type posts. 18 months after the finale,…
Life Lessons From LOST

Visualizing Foursquare Check Ins

As of June 2011, Foursquare has 10 million members. I am one of those members, and am a big advocate of Foursquare. But recently more and more people I chat to about Foursquare say they are bored with it, and don't see the point in using it…
Life Lessons From LOST

Yas Island Links Golf Course

I don't play golf. I'm a sales guy, so you should think golf should come naturally. I'm also very sporty, so again, a quick few athletic swings of the club and good eye for distance should see me right. The truth is, I've played only two rounds…
Life Lessons From LOST

What’s that song from the O2 advert?

That song from the O2 Priority Moments advert would be Pumped up Kicks by Foster the People. You can download it on iTunes here.I discovered Foster the People playing the acoustic version of Pumped up Kicks at the Latitude Festival, and I think…
Life Lessons From LOST

I Grew a Beard

I did. I grew one. A full beard from the neck upward. People keep asking me: "Why have you grown a beard?".Well why not? I've never had one before, and I decided I'd like a change. That's the only reason I can give. Did I get lazy and only wanted…
Life Lessons From LOST

Switching Off Means Switching On

I've worked in digital marketing for 7 years. I'm online for approximately 13 hours per day, split between desktop and mobile. I had a conversation with a friend recently who told me I sometimes need to 'switch off'.For many people, the idea…
Life Lessons From LOST

Apple announces iMessage for iOS 5

Apple has announced the launch of their own iOS messaging system with iOS 5; iOS iMessage. iMessage is a Blackberry messenger equivalent...and much more. It's a new unified messaging service for all iOS devices. Text message, photos, video,…